Maslul Yisrael Fellowship - Week of Learning, May 2023

Our Maslul Yisrael 2023 cohort of 18 senior counselors, who will be working at nine different Ramah camps this summer, spent May 15-21 engaged in deep learning with the Shalom Hartman Institute.

View profiles of our 2023 Maslul Yisrael Fellows.

Read also: Summer Camp as a Catalyst for Thoughtful Experiential Israel Education in eJewish Philanthropy

We studied texts together in chevruta, took eye-opening tours of East Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, cooked Jewish foods, met Israeli shlichim working at our camps this summer, and practiced leading Israel-related activities. On Shabbat, we davened with Kehillat Zion and the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center minyan, immersing ourselves in two of Jerusalem’s vibrant egalitarian communities.

I can say with confidence that I have never experienced Israel education as engaging and transformative as I have this past week. I picked up many skills and approaches to Israel and Jewish education from Hartman that I’m excited to bring to camp this summer.
— Rachel Scheer, Ramah New England
I learned so much and felt like I was hanging onto every word. The people working at Hartman are truly amazing and I felt respected and cared for the entire time.
— Abby Mehr, Ramah Wisconsin

Over the course of our week with Hartman, we learned with several thoughtful and esteemed members of their faculty. We explored big themes that directly speak to the current moment in Israel: “Israel as a Jewish Story,” “The Possibility of Jewish Democracy,” “Navigating Power and Democracy,” “Power and Occupation,” and “Jewish Peoplehood and Israel.”

Israel, like anything, cannot be perfect. I can both realize that it is my home where I live and carry out my day to day and also be critical of the things I disagree with without undermining its right to existence.
— Asher Greenberg, Ramah New England

Each of our 18 participants took on multiple leadership roles to shape the week. They tried out an activity or discussion related to Israel that they will adapt for camp. They organized a spirited oneg on Friday night and se’udat shilishit singing at the end of Shabbat, led tefillot and read Torah, and found many moments to share their beloved camp traditions with one another.

Thinking about and planning my peulah put me in the camp mindset and started working a muscle I will use all summer.
— Sarah Pretsky, Ramah California
It was so awesome and enlightening to hear about the differences between our camps and see the varying tunes in tefillot and games played.
— Jacob Baim, Ramah Chicagoland Day Camp

Our movement is lucky to have such a thoughtful, creative, and kind group of staff working at Ramah camps this summer. We wish them much hatzlacha (success) as they prepare to greet chanichim (campers) at nine Ramah camps in just a few weeks.

Programs like this continue to show me how passionate I am about both Jewish and Israel education and remind me how much more there is for me to learn. I am excited to bring what I learned back to camp this kayitz and to continue learning more!
— DJ Mevorah, Ramah Nyack

We are grateful to our partners at the Shalom Hartman Institute for providing enormous support for this program. This program was also made possible thanks to the Morton M. and Miriam Steinberg International Travel Fellowship, the Immerman Foundation, JNF, and KKL / MERCAZ Olami / Masorti Olami.